Ahhh Frank Sinatra…. no wait…. just Sinatra, the lightweight little brother to Ruby on Rails. To say I was excited to get an application onto the web would be an extreme understatement. From the beginning and throughout the majority of the Sinatra lesson curriculum I felt rather comfortable with how everything was coming and working together, almost to the point to where I became concerned that it couldn’t be such a smooth consumption of knowledge. To my amazement this feeling was reinforced through out the majority of the labs but sure enough walls were hit.
And so one is reminded that the inevitable fact remains that the ebb and flow of learning something as intricate and complex as learning web developement will always be constant and changing. As always there were brief moments of self doubt but by taking inventory and thinking back to the weeks surrounding the module one final project build, I was hit with a wave of positivity. This feeling of self doubt was familiar, and then the realization that I previously pushed through that feeling and successfully made it out the other side came crashing down upon me. I lit up in excitement.
Following this exuberance, I immediately reached out to my inner circle of fellow Flatiron students, aka the squad (look for us on Learn for our late night after hours study group sessions appropriately named something along the lines of 11/4 PT Squad 1.0, come say hi!) to share my experience with and remind them that they will most likely feel that same feeling and that when they do, remind themselves of my story to them.
The Sinatra portfolio project was the best learning experience thus far and I am looking forward to my assessment and lending a helping hand to my fellow students if I am able to and help to push them through any and all barriers. Sinatra has reminded me to always stay positive and know that with determination and a burning desire to achieve my goals, I, just like anyone else, can do it.